> Art + Design Department > Graphic Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Architecture Department > Architecture [BS | M.Arch]
Alumni 2020
Jefferson Mixed Use Courtyard
This project was designed as a linear courtyard to draw people off Jefferson Avenue and into the neighborhood. The street wall on Jefferson is restored with the mixed use building connecting to the existing bank. The bank is being repurposed as commercial space with rooftop gardens for residents and the community. In the middle of the commercial spaces is a pedestrian underpass that leads onto a porch that provides seating and helps service the commercial spaces. The porch steps down into the central space where there is a variety of public and private seating. An objective for this project was to provide private spaces that can create intimate moments inside a public area. There is designated senior housing so an important factor with stepping the site down is to create universal access so everyone can enjoy the same experiences.
Integrated Design Lab 4
Amy Boldt
Amy is finishing up her fourth year in the Dual Architecture and Interior Architecture Program at LTU. She enjoys being involved on campus and is the president of both the IIDA Campus Center and Kappa Beta Gamma Sorority. She enjoys using design to solve problems and create unique experiences.