> Art + Design Department > Graphic Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Art + Design Department > Game Design
Alumni 2020
> Architecture Department > Architecture [BS | M.Arch]
Alumni 2020
Morphosis is a conceptual center console design that focuses on eliminating unused buttons and non-tactile touch screens by converting traditional console interfacing with an adaptive experience that molds to user preferences. This product is intended to reduce stress and eliminate cognitive overload by allowing users to feel connected within their vehicle, rather than producing a mundane, uninteresting experience. The connected journey starts with you creating your button layout, connecting your phone to the console, and allowing the soft tactile design morph into your own personal preferences.
Industrial Design [BS]
Email: Sadnan@ltu.edu / Sarahadnan112@gmail.com
Website: www.Sarahadnan.com
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/sarahhadnan/
Phone number: (248) 667 6990
Sarah Adnan
Sarah Adnan is an Arab-born Industrial Designer whose work focuses on finding problems and creating innovative solutions. Coming from immigrant parents, taught her how to think outside the box and question the main goals/purpose before beginning her designing process.
“How can I make the most impact while creating the least damage”? She’s an active member of IDSA and is currently the Vice-President of the Lawrence Technological University chapter, part of the DEEP Fellowship program, and Habitat for Humanity volunteer. When she’s not running around hosting design lectures or
volunteering, she's playing tennis or helping prospective students learn about design.